Bible Text: Luke 12:13-21 | Speaker: Ps. Wong Guoliang | Series: Dollars and Sense | "Relax, eat, drink, be merry!" This is the counsel provided by many in the world…
Bible Text: Matthew 6:19-24 | Speaker: Ps. Wong Guoliang | Series: Dollars and Sense | We live in a world where many decisions revolving around money have to be made.…
Bible Text: Luke 7:36-50 | Speaker: Ps. Wong Guoliang | Series: Agape | What does love that blesses look like? In Luke 7:36-50, we see such love displayed through the…
Bible Text: 1 John 3:11-18 | Speaker: Ps. Wong Guoliang | Series: Agape | Most people would agree that it is good to be loving. Yet, many find themselves and…
Bible Text: Mark 12:28-30 | Speaker: Ps. Wong Guoliang | Series: Agape | This first Sunday of 2020 marks the start of a new season for Agape as we come…
Bible Text: Isaiah 61:1-3 | Speaker: Ps. Wong Guoliang | Series: The Prophet's Guide to Christmas - Christmas Day | Sermon Slides Receive the Lord's Favour!_Slides Sermon Notes Receive the…
Bible Text: Isaiah 40:1-5 | Speaker: Ps. Wong Guoliang | Series: The Prophet's Guide to Christmas | Sermon Slides Hear the Word of Comfort_Slides Sermon Notes Hear the Word of…
Bible Text: Haggai 2:20-23 | Speaker: Ps. Wong Guoliang | Series: Haggai 2 - Amazed By Grace! | Sermon Slides Specially Chosen_Slides Sermon Notes Specially Chosen_Notes
Bible Text: Haggai 2:10-19 | Speaker: Ps. Wong Guoliang | Series: Haggai 2 - Amazed By Grace! | Sermon Slides Specially Blessed_Slides Sermon Notes Specially Blessed_Notes
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 | Speaker: Ps. Wong Guoliang | Series: Love & Sexuality | Sermon Slides How can I overcome my sexual struggles?_Slides Sermon Notes How can I…