Welcome to

Agape Baptist Church

Reaching Seekers | Building Believers

Welcome to Agape Baptist Church

A warm welcome! I hope you find this site warm, informative, and encouraging. Here in Agape Baptist Church, we greatly value community life. If you have yet to worship with us, or to join us in fellowship, then I encourage you to get connected with us! We would love to have you in our midst.

We are a community of sinners who are still desperately thankful for God’s radical grace towards us! Yet at the same time, we are a community of saints who are confident in the power of Jesus’ finished work to transform us! So whether you are a Christian or someone curious about the faith – there is surely room here for you to ask, learn and grow. My prayer is that you would find the all-surpassing treasure of the gospel (good news) of Jesus. I hope we meet soon!

Warmly in Christ,
Johanan Justin 
Executive Pastor

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Every-Member Church

Agape is heading into an exciting season of becoming an Every-Member Church! Click below to find out more!