In Exodus 20:22-23:19, we see God giving very detailed, situational rules for conduct to Moses, who would then pass them on to the Israelites. For many people today, these laws…

The Love that Blesses

January 19, 2020
What does love that blesses look like? In Luke 7:36-50, we see such love displayed through the story of a sinful woman with an alabaster flask of ointment. At the…

Radically Shaped by Love

January 12, 2020
Most people would agree that it is good to be loving. Yet, many find themselves and others in their lives far less loving than they should be. In 1 John…

The Great Call To Love

January 5, 2020
This first Sunday of 2020 marks the start of a new season for Agape as we come together in worship as one congregation! In this opening sermon, Pastor GL will…