March 23, 2025
When it comes to “planning”, what is the principle you ‘die-die must’ live by? ’Fail to plan, plan to fail’? ’Play the long game’? ’Don’t put all your eggs in…


March 16, 2025
The Church is ___. How would you fill in the blank? “WHO WE ARE: The Church’s Building Blocks from Ephesians 1”. We begin a new series to discover how the…

A Devoted People

February 16, 2025
Jesus. Is. KING. This Sunday, we gather to make our Gift To The King. Are you ready? We give as a response. We give to declare that our devotion is…

The Devoted Things

February 9, 2025
Money is so important. But if you think about it, money in itself is useless. Money is the means to something else. Something that’s important to us. Something we value.…

Devoted To Destruction

February 2, 2025
We all have something we want killed: A bad habit. A persistent sin. A toxic relationship. A debilitating obstacle. Whatever it is, we want it destroyed. But how do we…
Nothing worthwhile comes without suffering. This is generally true for almost all things in life. And it’s no different when it comes to living for Jesus: There is no worthwhile…
Have you found that less and less people are making New Year’s resolutions, with each year? Have you also brushed aside any thought of making any resolutions for 2025? Was…
We live in a world that encourages a “me-first”, “live in the now” kind of attitude. So it can be quite natural for us to apply our gospel-given courage in…