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It was Charles Spurgeon who said that “He who would be happy here must have friends; and he who would be happy hereafter, must, above all things, find a friend…
John 15:12-17
In Luke 16:1-15, Jesus gives the parable about the dishonest money manager who was praised by his master for his shrewdness. In this message, Ps Guna will unpack this parable…
Luke 16:1-13
God has placed many good desires in us but those desires have been distorted by sin. How do we redeem our desires? How do we desire what God desires for…
Matthew 13:44-46
Although most people know that life is not a bed of roses, we are not well prepared to deal with a bed of thorns. When we face challenges, we are…
Psalms 42:1-11
“Would you consider serving the church?” For some of us, this question provokes fear, inadequacy, and a desire to keep the church community at a safe distance. For others of…
1 Corinthians 3:5-17
The Christian life can often feel slow, uneventful, and unexciting. We often hope to look upon the Christian life and see fireworks - but sometimes it feels like watching grass…
Mark 11:12-26
Most communities are united by common interests. Members enjoy each other’s company while pursuing their interests as autonomous individuals. But Christian communities are united by the gospel. We come together…
1 Corinthians 12:12-26
Are you ready for 2021? Most of us have some kind of plans for the new year. Personal. Career. Family. Spiritual. Yet what are the areas that God is calling…
Jeremiah 23:16-17, 28-29
Christmas Light Over Pandemic Darkness
December 24, 2020
Sermon Slide-
John 12:46; Luke 5:12-16
At the heart of the Christmas story, is life. But what’s the big deal about life? Some people live long, comfortable lives. Others live short, exciting ones. Length of days,…
Luke 1:26-38