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In Exodus 23:20-33, God continues to speak to His people through Moses, giving them instructions on how they can enter Canaan, the land He has promised them. Through this passage,…
In Exodus 20:22-23:19, we see God giving very detailed, situational rules for conduct to Moses, who would then pass them on to the Israelites. For many people today, these laws…
In Exodus 20:1-21, we see God giving the Ten Commandments to His people at Mount Sinai. What is the significance of these commandments? What do they reveal about God and…
In Exodus 19:1-25, we read the story of how Moses, having brought the Israelites out of Egypt and through various challenges, leads them now to Mount Sinai to an encounter…
When it comes to money, many Christians recognise the need to be givers and not hoarders. Yet in many of their minds, certain questions still continue to linger. How should…
"Relax, eat, drink, be merry!" This is the counsel provided by many in the world today. Yet Jesus warns us against hoarding wealth for such a purpose. In Luke 12:13-21,…
We live in a world where many decisions revolving around money have to be made. Thankfully, the Bible offers much guidance for us. In fact, Jesus Himself addresses the topic…
This festive season comes to us packed with familiarity. The visitations, the meals, the conversations - we know what to expect. But how are we expecting God to move? In…

The Love that Blesses

January 19, 2020
What does love that blesses look like? In Luke 7:36-50, we see such love displayed through the story of a sinful woman with an alabaster flask of ointment. At the…

Radically Shaped by Love

January 12, 2020
Most people would agree that it is good to be loving. Yet, many find themselves and others in their lives far less loving than they should be. In 1 John…
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