Prayer of Confession – 29 October 2023

Father, we want to thank You afresh for saving us. Sin – our sin – has really messed everything up. Our lives, our loves, and our world are so messy.

Even saving us is so messy: Blood had to be spilt. The death penalty had to be paid. Saving us included nakedness, betrayal, rejection, and humiliation.

Lord, forgive us for making light of Your grace. You stepped into our mess, to clean it up. Forgive us for being impatient – that You are not dealing quickly enough with our mess.

Forgive us for turning to idols. Forgive us for believing that our idols can deliver us in straightforward, painless, and quick ways. These lies dishonour Your numerous sacrifices.

Help us arise with Jesus. Grant us patience to see Your will perfected in us, wisdom to reject our idols, and fresh delight in Your salvation. In His name we pray, amen.