Prayer of Confession – 24th Apr 2022


You are our Restorer. Because of You, ruined cities will be rebuilt. Broken relationships will be filled with love and laughter once more.

Why do we groan as if there is no hope? Why do we doubt as if You don’t care? Why do we shift blame as if the problem is due to the sawdust in someone else’s eyes rather than the log in our own eyes?

Forgive us when we are of little faith. Forgive us when we partake in breaking what was once whole. Forgive us for letting sin tear apart families and friendships. Oh how it must grieve You to see human communities being destroyed by Your redeemed children.

We are amazed that Jesus would drink the cup for people like this. We are amazed that where sin increased, grace abounded all the more. We are amazed that there is no brokenness so shattered that it cannot be restored by the blood of Jesus. In His precious name we pray. Amen.