Prayer of Confession – 1st May 2022


Cities are created by You to give us an environment to flourish in. Your perfect design fills cities with justice, prosperity, unity, beauty and Your love.

But, in the name of doing what is right in our own eyes, we filled Your cities with oppression, poverty, strife, dreadfulness and hatred. In our arrogance of being wise in our own eyes, we become fools.

Forgive us for being ungrateful children. Forgive us for destroying Your cities while being blinded with pride. Forgive us for contributing more to brokenness than to restoration. Create in us clean hearts, O God, and renew a right spirit within us.

O God, help us to behold Your mercy and grace. Help us to trust in You forever, for You are an everlasting rock. Let us be a city on the hill and shine Your Glory all over the world. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.