Prayer of Confession – 16th May 2021

Our Father and Creator, we commit our insecurity to You. We confess that we often do not know who we are. We see this in our lostness, anxiety, doubt, stubbornness, fickleness, and sinfulness.

Lord, our tendency is to look to others to find our identity. Whether from loved ones, or a computerised test; those who care, or those who seek to manipulate; those secure in You, or those as lost as we are.

But we have not treasured up Your word in our hearts. Who do You say we are? What have You called us to? What is the measure of our lives? Lord, we often do not remember. We have forsaken Your authority.

Father, forgive us. Who knows us like You do? Who loves us like You do? Help us to build our identity upon the solid rock of Your word – and not the shifting sand of people’s opinions. We pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.