
July 7, 2024
What does it mean to be “radical”? Some would say being radical is about living an extreme life. Or about pursuing your feelings to the extreme. Jesus is without question,…
We live in a world that celebrates freedom from the expectations of others. Yet this is also a world that heavily imposes its expectations on us. And so we find…
”Whatever works.” For many of us (especially here in Singapore), these two words represent the way we live. At its best, it encourages a bold decisiveness. At its worst, it…
Christian belief involves taking a leap of faith - but it’s not a blind leap of faith. Such faith is undergirded by reasons and signs. Yet sometimes we go to…
Sometimes courageous and cowardly actions are identical. For example, deciding not to retaliate in a fight can be both a cowardly and a courageous course of action. Oftentimes we cannot…

Let’s Talk About Hope

March 31, 2024
Easter is here: Jesus is alive! Christianity is a religion of hope. And this matters, because life is hard! There’s suffering, unfulfilled desires, and our fears never stop multiplying. So…