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Christian belief involves taking a leap of faith - but it’s not a blind leap of faith. Such faith is undergirded by reasons and signs. Yet sometimes we go to…
1 Samuel 10:1 & 9, 20-24
Sometimes courageous and cowardly actions are identical. For example, deciding not to retaliate in a fight can be both a cowardly and a courageous course of action. Oftentimes we cannot…
1 Samuel 8:4-5, 9:1-10
Let’s Talk About Hope
March 31, 2024
Easter is here: Jesus is alive! Christianity is a religion of hope. And this matters, because life is hard! There’s suffering, unfulfilled desires, and our fears never stop multiplying. So…
Revelation 21:1-8
"I feel ashamed of myself whenever I think about this or experience this..." When was the last time you felt ashamed? Shame is a universal experience. It can be painfully…
Psalm 34:4-5
Psychology Today cited a study that indicates we experience 5 hours of guilty feelings per week. While guilt is helpful in small doses to steer us toward appropriate actions, excessive…
Psalm 51:3-5
Why do we witness? Why do we engage in the difficult, daunting task of evangelism? Why does God want us to witness? Ps Johanan closes this series on Courageous Witness,…
Acts 12:20-2
Evangelism can be daunting. Is this the right time? What do I say? How will the person respond? We struggle because we don’t know what to expect. Evangelism is out…
Act 12:1-7, 12-19
It’s Gift To The King Sunday! As we come to give towards the Church Planting Fund (CPF), we want to return to a heart of true generosity: giving that is…
Matthew 26:6-13
Every sincere Christian desires to do something for God, to be of use to Him, and to somehow build His kingdom. One of the simplest ways we do that, is…
1 Chronicles 29:6-19
“I’m not that bad!” We sometimes use this statement in response to feedback that we felt was unfair. But have we ever used this statement to also justify our sin?…
Speaker :
Daniel Loke
Isaiah 6:1-13