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Reverend Terence will bring to us a sermon based on Colossians 1:15-23, through which he will invite us to consider what brings us peace in and through challenging times of…
Speaker :
Rev. Terence Ng
Colossians 1:15-23
Why can’t we simply watch Sunday worship services via Livestream in the comfort of our own homes? Does it really matter whether we join the worship service alone or with…
Hebrew 10:19-25
In this sermon, Pastor Guoliang will examine the nature of worship from Psalm 34:1-3 and explain to us, based on related parts of Scripture, how true worship in its most…
Psalm 34:1-3
In this message, Pastors Guna will preach from 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 where the sermon will look at the evidence that proves the resurrection of Jesus Christ and how the resurrection…
1 Corinthians 15:3-8
Have you ever thought about the kind of songs that Jesus had sung? What kind of songs had stirred His heart during His time on earth? As we look at…
Psalm 118:1-29
Injustice inhabits the world we live in. Whether it’s injustice experienced personally at the workplace, or genocide committed within a nation - we all wonder: ”Will injustice go unanswered?" In…
Psalm 110:1-7
What do we do with passages that talk about the ‘fullness of joy’? Do we see such joy as being part of the Christian life? Or just something we hope…
Psalm 16
Many people would readily agree that they have experienced kindness from others in their lives. Yet clearly, not all expressions of kindness have the same impact. Some acts of kindness…
2 Samuel 9:1-13
In this final sermon on DESIRE, Ps Guna leads us to look at Psalm 73. There are seasons in our lives where we feel like the goodness of God is…
Psalm 73:1-3, 16-17, 21-28
God is not against wealth and riches. 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19 surfaces two dangers that come with the love of money - apathy and anxiety. In this message, Ps Guna…
1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19