Prayer of Thanksgiving – 24th Dec 2020

Holy God! You dwell in unapproachable light! You are the Triune God who dwells in all brilliance. We marvel at Your purity! We wonder at Your glory! We are in awe of Your holiness.

Lord, this world is not worthy of You. There is decay, disease, division, and death. No one is righteous. No one understands. No one seeks after You. No one truly does good. All mankind has turned aside. Together, Man has become worthless.

Still, You raised Your mighty right hand towards us – not to crush us – but to extend fellowship to us. But what does light have to do with darkness? Truly, You hid Your light – but You showed us the warmth of Your welcome.

And then You sent Your light. Not a blazing bolt of lightning that would fill us with fear. Not a massive column of fire that would consume us. No, You sent us a baby boy – a cheery candle, a calming torch, a welcome fireplace.

Jesus, You are the Light of the world. And You have become, the Light of our lives. We worship You. We enthrone You. We magnify You! And we give You all our thanks.

Come, shine afresh upon us! Fill this world with Your light, this Christmas Day! Radiate the warmth of divine cheer and friendship! Turn back the darkness and triumph over it! In Your name we pray, amen!