Prayer of Confession – 6th Mar 2022

Holy God, You reign in love. You dwell supreme in unapproachable light – yet we call You “Father”! Time, history, and life is held in Your hands – yet we call You “ours”!

Our Father, Your love thrills us! It is sweeter than honey. More precious than gold! And more delightful than any created pleasure. What wondrous love is this?

Yet Your love also grieves us. Such lavish love humiliates us. Such unconditional love confounds us. Your love shows up the worst in us.

We see Jesus on the cross – bruised, bloody, broken. And we wonder, “Why go so far, for us?” How could such unloving, selfish sinners, be worthy of such love?

Still, You love us. We do not have the answers. But behold, we have Your love! O Spirit, help us never to depart from the love of our Father! We ask all this in Jesus’ name, amen.