Prayer of Confession – 5th Dec 2021

Father God, we bring our limitations, our struggles, and our failures to You. We have many goals, many ambitions, many needs. But life gets so hard.

We need Your help. For our personal health. For the relationships in our families. For fulfilment in our studies and work. For our future plans.

We’ve worked so hard. We’ve looked for expert opinions. We’ve tried everything we know how to do! But it’s just not enough.

We remember You, O God. You are our Maker. You formed us in the womb. Our passions and talents are from You. Our purpose is from You.

You are our Redeemer. You forgive our sins. You cause our mistakes to work out for good. You turn our mourning into dancing.

We come to You this morning! Give Your help! Grant Your joy. We ask all this in Jesus’ name, amen.