Prayer of Confession – 5 May 2024


Your word clearly tells us to draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Why do we so quickly desert the gospel of grace and turn to the slavery of works righteousness? Why do we not recognise that any requirements added to what Jesus has done essentially nullifies the gospel? Why do we not firmly reject the distorted gospel in our own lives?

Forgive us for measuring ourselves and others according to Your law and even man-made rules. Forgive us for the underlying sin of pride which tries to make us more acceptable to You by what we do. Forgive us for receiving grace but continuing to live according to legalism.

Help us to walk in Your amazing grace afresh. Help us to rediscover gospel freedom and let it transform every aspect of our lives. In Jesus’s name we pray. Amen.