Prayer of Confession – 4th Jul 2021


You are our covenantal God who is always faithful to Your people even when we are unfaithful to You. In You there is endless joy and hope.

But, some of us place our hope in sinking sand instead of the solid rock of Christ. We trust in our own feeble plans rather than Your mighty hands. We trust in the words of man rather than Your sacred scripture. 

Forgive us that in our futile search for hope apart from You, some of us are drowning in hopelessness. Forgive us for decrying that You have not met our needs and served our interests.

O LORD God, who are we that You should shower us with great kindness. Help us, O LORD. Help us to place our hope in You alone. That we shall again praise You, our salvation and our God. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.