Prayer of Confession – 30 Apr 2023


You are the one who gives us the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is Your Son who came down from heaven and gave life to the world.

We confess we are seldom filled with gratitude for the bread from heaven. If You did not spare Your own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will You not also with Jesus graciously give us all things?

Forgive us for our discontentment. We are quick to grumble and slow to worship. Forgive us for running to the broken cisterns. Forgive us for failing to see You preparing for our meals long before we are hungry like You did for the 5000.

Oh God, would You satisfy our deep hunger and thirst. Help us eat the bread of life and drink from the fountain of living water. Help us taste Your true life not only in eternity but also here and now. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.