Prayer of Confession – 3 March 2024

Great God, You are salvation and life to all who believe. Our desire is that many more of our loved ones, would discover that this is who You are.

But forgive us for being naïve, as we witness to them. We are shocked when they are uninterested. Shaken when they reject us. Set back when they produce reason after reason to shun Christ. 

Forgive us for thinking people are merely “rational” or “experiential”. That if only they intellectually understood the gospel – or if only they supernaturally encountered God – they would believe. This is not so.

There is a deep sinful blackness over their eyes and hearts, that only You can pierce. Forgive us above all, for thinking that we have some power to save them. Forgive us for being prayerless. 

As Easter approaches, we ask that You fill us with Your resurrection power. Help us persevere in our witness. Grant us a prayerful dependence on You. 

Use us, so that many might be saved. We ask all this in Jesus’s name, amen.