Prayer of Confession – 28 January 2024


Your love and compassion is as vast as the heavens and as deep as the oceans. Your steadfast love gives us many second chances even as we continue to sin against You.

But have we taken those second chances as if You are clueless, indifferent, or powerless? Have we not cheapened Your grace and treated it as a license to sin more? Have we become deaf to the whispers of the Holy Spirit?

O LORD, forgive us for not walking the path of righteousness despite knowing Your commandments. Forgive us for not evangelising to certain people because we decided they are unworthy. Forgive us for justifying our sin despite repeated warnings.

Let our belief in Jesus align our words and deeds to Your ways. Help us repent sincerely because You have relented of disasters upon us. Help us to turn from our evil ways and follow You whole-heartedly. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.