Prayer of Confession – 28 May 2023

Father, we thank You for saving us. While we were still sinners – You loved us. While we were still Your enemies – You gave us new life, through the death of Your beloved Son.

Forgive us, where we’ve taken Your gift of grace for granted. Forgive us, where we’ve made salvation about repeating a “sinner’s prayer” – but not adopting a lifestyle of repentance.

Forgive us, where we’ve become puffed up with all kinds of “gospel” knowledge – but without allowing grace to break us down and re-form us.

Lord, all our Christian lingo and knowledge will not save us. Only fully embracing Jesus – in His death and resurrection – can save us, and save us to the uttermost. 

Father, today let Your grace train us to live holy lives – wholly submitted to our Lord Jesus. We pray all this in His name, amen.