Prayer of Confession – 28 April 2024

Father God, we confess our fear of man. How easily we treat people like gods. And treat You like just another person. Father, forgive us.

We confess how confused we are. We confess that loving and fearing others comes more naturally to us, than loving and fearing You.

We want our parents to be proud of us. We want our children to honour us. We want our peers to accept us. We want our bosses to acknowledge us.

Yet does it matter that You are proud of us? That You honour and accept us? That as our Master, we await Your ultimate acknowledgement: “Well done, good and faithful servant”?

Forgive us, Lord! Help us in our confusion. Help us to ‘see’ by faith. Help our relationship with You, come alive. We ask all this, in Jesus’s name, amen.