Prayer of Confession – 27 August 2023


You have called us to put our hope in You both now and forevermore. In You, there is the hope of promises fulfilled. 

But we lose hope because we are not prepared for the realities of this broken world. We lose hope because we expect You to work according to our desires and our timeline. We struggle to trust You fully.

Forgive us for placing our hope in created things rather than in You, our Creator. Forgive us for seeking justice our own way rather than rest in Your perfect justice. Forgive us for getting all upset when we are oppressed or falsely accused because we do not trust You to vindicate us. Forgive us for taking things into our own hands because we think our ways are higher than Your ways.

O Lord, deliver us from our self-sufficiency. Help us anchor our hope in the finished work of Jesus. In His name, we pray. Amen.