Prayer of Confession – 20th Mar 2022

Father, we come before You as the Church of Your Son, Jesus Christ. By His death we were planted. By His blood we were watered. And by His Spirit, we live.

Lord, we often underestimate your Church. We may think the Church small, in light of the cries of this world. Or weak, in the face of the corruption of the world.

We may think the Church irrelevant, because of the power offered by the world. We think the Church hopeless, because of the worldliness found in Her.

But this is Your Church – the Body of Christ, the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the Household of God – Your workmanship! Forgive us for ever looking down upon Your Church.

As Your Church, we are blessed to be a blessing; flourished to bring about flourishing. Teach us to pray, “Your Kingdom come” – and let us see Your Church as Your answer.

We ask all this in Jesus’ name, amen.