Prayer of Confession – 19th Dec 2021

Father God, we have all struggled to forgive. Everyday, it seems there is always someone new to forgive! From parents to politicians, brothers to bosses, our children to other Christians…

Yet deep, heart-felt forgiveness is so hard! We’ve swept a mountain under our carpets. We often trade the hard work of reconciliation, for the ease of superficial harmony.

And how often we’ve made mountains out of molehills! Sometimes we refuse to let go of even the slightest offense. We condemn the speck in someone else’s eye.

Maybe we actually enjoy unforgiveness? Playing the victim, the offended party. Lording the wrongs of others over them. Becoming addicted to a false feeling of power.

But all power belongs to You, O God! Have mercy. Forgive us. Teach us now to love kindness and forgiveness. We ask all this in Jesus’ name, amen.