Prayer of Confession – 18th Jul 2021


Who among the gods is like You, LORD? Who is like You— majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? Truly, there is none like You.

You have called us to be holy for You are holy. We confess that we often disdain rather than revere holiness. We confess that we are all too eager to be friends of the world rather than be set apart from the world.

Forgive us for neither fearing nor desiring Your holiness. Forgive us for being neither hot nor cold. Oh help us God. Do not spit us out as lukewarm Christians. 

We rejoice that we no longer need a temple with a “holy of holies” for Your Holy Spirit dwells in us. We rejoice that we can approach You because we are clothed in the righteousness of Your Son. In His name we pray. Amen.