Prayer of Confession – 17th Jan 2021

Heavenly Father, this is Your church. You created it. You have sustained it. And You will grow it. Even so, You call us to put our hands to the plough, and to serve Your church.

Father, we confess that we often do not consider Your call, when we think about serving. Instead, we often limit our service based on our evaluation of ourselves and our situation. Sometimes, we even disqualify ourselves. Forgive us.

You called idol-worshipping Abraham. You called insecure Jacob. You called fearful Moses. You called little Samuel. You called the shepherd, David. You called impulsive Peter. You even called Paul, a murderer.

Lord, truly You are the author of faith! You are the Giver of growth and of every good gift! We proclaim our trust in You. Use us. Glorify Your name through us. We offer ourselves afresh before You. In Jesus’ name, amen.