Prayer of Confession – 15th Aug 2021

Holy God, we hail You this morning as, “Abba, Father”! It is our honour to call You Father. And You delight to hear from Your children.

Father, living the Christian life is hard, in this world we live in. Temptations. Seductive promises. Threats. Rejection. Jeering. Alienation. Isolation. Persecution. Double-standards. 

O Father, how hard it is to love and serve You, with faithfulness and freedom! Nevertheless, forgive us for offering You anything less than what You deserve.

For all that the world throws at us, Lord, we desire You. We want more of You. We have fixed our eyes on You. There is no turning back. 

So help us, we pray! Grant us joy and courage, to reject the world – and to cling to Your holy love for us. We ask all this in Jesus’ name, amen.