Prayer of Confession – 13th Feb 2022

Father, we are amazed at Your love for us. How You freely chose us. How You redeemed us. How You bound Yourself to us in covenant relationship.

Lord, we confess that we have not been careful to cherish Your love. To guard our gratitude for grace. To protect the peace we have partaken of in Christ.

How can we choose You, when we do not grasp how freely You’ve chosen us? How can we treasure You, when we do not sense how dearly You treasure us?

How can we truly love You, when we do not see how truly You love us? Father, forgive us! Help us to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.

You are our King! Beyond giving to You financially, we want to give You our hearts without reservation. Be our treasure. We ask all this in Jesus’ name, amen.