Prayer of Confession – 13th Dec 2020

God, You are so good. You give us life. You give us families. You give us what we need. And the reason You are so good, is because You love us!

But still, how often we ignore You. How often we forget that You love and provide for us. When things do not go our way, how easily we say that You must not love us.

We are so sorry. We are so much like the littlest children. We easily become entitled. We easily forget all the good You have done. We throw a fuss when You do not give us what we want.

But still You love us! And that is why we dare to come before You – the great and awesome God – to honestly ask for Your forgiveness. We remember Jesus – the Son You gave for us – and we know that You have heard this prayer.

Thank You for loving us as Your children. In Jesus’ name, amen.