Prayer of Confession – 13 August 2023


We are adopted as your children into Your Holy Kingdom. You have made us Your heirs and fellow heirs with Christ for all the heavenly inheritance. You have showered upon us every good and perfect gift from above.

But we take Your gifts to feed our pride. We are not satisfied with Your gift unless we have more than someone else. Our constant comparison makes us either boastful or jealous. We create a false sense of security and superiority.

Forgive us of our pride. Forgive us for using Your gifts as the means to look down on people rather than look up to worship You. Forgive us for our bitter jealousy and selfish ambition that gives birth to disorder and every vile practice.

Oh, God, how our hearts have deceived us. Help us boast of our weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon us. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen.