Prayer of Confession – 12th Dec 2021

Father God, we have all experienced being excluded. In some way, we know what it means to be side-lined, forgotten, and even outrightly rejected.

At times we tried our best to fit in. To be likeable. To meet the expectations of others. We performed to be accepted.

Other times, we simply shut our hearts. We assured ourselves that we did not need others. We wanted to be accepted for ‘who we are’.

Sometimes we too excluded others. We drew lines. We chose only to accept those who were like us. We rejected those unlike us.

Lord, forgive us. Help us! We have a deep longing for acceptance. For intimate friendship. For being known and being loved.

Only You can fill this hole in our hearts! We look to You – our Creator, our Lover, our Saviour, and our Friend.

We love You. And we ask all this in Jesus’ name, amen.