Prayer of Confession – 11 Oct 2020

Father, we bring our restlessness before You. We bring our anxious hearts before You. We bring before You every hesitation in us, to seek Your kingdom and righteousness. Lord, grant us rest.

Father, behind our restless anxiety, is a heart that does not believe You are near; that You are on our side. Forgive us, O Father! In our unbelief, we dishonour Your loving commitment for us.

Father, out of our restless anxiety, we also fail to uphold our commitments to You. We deem our problems big, but Your covenant small. We trust the deathly lies of Satan, but dismiss Your truthful, life-giving commands. Forgive us, Lord.

In humility, we ask that You fill our hearts and our homes, with Your Spirit. Help our faith. Help our obedience. Help our rest. We ask all this in the mighty name of Jesus, our Prince of Peace. Amen.