Prayer of Confession – 10th July 2022

You have given us the privilege to work productively and meaningfully for You. You have given us talent to create a better world. You have given us the high calling of serving the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

But instead of learning to serve You better and better, some of us learn to be idlers. Instead of blessing others at work to build them up, we tear them down with gossip. Instead of working diligently, we become busybodies.

Forgive us for looking for shortcuts. Forgive us for craving for good fruits without plowing the field. Forgive us for the sense of entitlement and expectation to harvest from the work of others.

Lord, would You help us provide for ourselves and our families so that we will not burden others? Would You replace our idleness with diligence for Your glory? Would you turn us from takers to givers so we may bless others? We pray and ask all these in the name of Jesus. Amen.