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A Deliverance to Remember

In Exodus 11:1-13:16, we read about God's severe judgment of Egypt with His tenth plague, which leads to Pharaoh finally letting the people of Israel go. As God's people prepares to exit Egypt, He gives very detailed instructions on how to execute and remember this event which He calls the Passover. From this story, we […]

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The Better Way Forward

We're finally back in action with services at both OneDorset and OneFarrer this coming Sunday, as we come to the end of our Galatians series!Paul has spent 5 chapters undoing the damage that the 'Judaizers' had caused. But having done so, Paul now calls for holiness. The 'Judaizers' had sought to bring about quick, superficial […]

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The Transformed Life

Freedom can mean different things to different people. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. In Galatians Chapter 5, the Apostle Paul warns Christians not to abuse the freedom given to us by God and fall right back into slavery. He directs us to use our freedom to walk by the Spirit towards a truly transformed […]

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Orphans No Longer

In Galatians 4, Paul continues to exalt the beauty of the true gospel against the narratives of the false gospel. He points out to the Christians in Galatia and to us today that not only we are pardoned criminals in the court of heaven, we are brought in to His family as His “sons”! Service […]

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What Truly Counts

The Galatians are like many of us today. They wanted to be in good standing before God. They thought they could earn their merits with God and be counted among the righteous ones. In Chapter 3 of the letter to the Galatians, the Apostle Paul forcefully corrected their wrong thinking by showing them the one […]

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Remaining in Grace

In his letter to the Galatians, Paul responds a number of times to these twin questions: “Wouldn’t freely-offered grace encourage people to continue in their sin? So shouldn’t believers still be required to abide by the Law?” In Galatians 2, Paul gives us part 1 of his in-depth answer to these twin questions. Come hear […]

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Calling All Sinners: Come!

We begin our new series this Sunday by looking at Galatians 1. In Galatians 1, Paul writes angrily in response to some teachings in the churches of Galatia. He even invokes a curse upon a certain group of people. Why was Paul so furious? What was so precious that the Galatians were at risk of […]

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Behold the New Creation!

In John 3, Jesus teaches Nicodemus that one needs to be born again to see the kingdom of God. Evidently, those who are born again become new creation in Christ. But who needs to be born again? How does one do so? What are the effects of new birth? As we remember the many who […]

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