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Why is my marriage like this?

Have you ever wondered what God's plan for marriage is truly like? In Ephesians 5:22-33, we get a beautiful, biblical picture of what marriage is supposed to be like.Yet, some would say that picture is idealistic and impractical. How do we resolve this tension between the biblical ideal and reality, and apply God's word to […]

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All for His Glory

In Haggai 2:1-9, we see the Lord's word coming again to His people who has begun the rebuilding project through the prophet, Haggai. As the people experience discouragement in the rebuilding project, the Lord's specific word encourages and lifts up their hearts afresh. These very same truths continue to encourage God's people to this very […]

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A New Found Obedience

In Haggai 1:12-15, we read about how the people of God responded in obedience to Haggai's call to rebuild the temple.Their new-found obedience teaches us 5 precious principles on how we can step out of our comfort zone by faith in God.Come this Sunday to hear this sermon 'A New Found Obedience' by Pastor GL!

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Hearing the Prophetic Call

This Sunday, we start a brand new 3-part sermon series on the book of Haggai.In Haggai 1:1-11, we hear Haggai's prophetic call for the Israelites to rebuild the temple of God after a long time of inaction. Today, we similarly hear the same call for God's people to arise in faith to do the work […]

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The Turning Point

In Exodus 18, we see Moses reuniting with his family and Jethro, his father-in-law.What seemed to be a simple family reunion proved to be a major turning point in the book of Exodus, as Moses was led to reorganise the Israelites in their journey ahead. Their amazing journey of faith as one people is what […]

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The Banner for the Fight

In Exodus 17:8-16, we see a surprise attack launched by the Amalekites against the Israelites at Rephidim. For the first time in Israel's history, they are called to put up a fight.At the end of the arduous battle, Israel prevails. In response, Moses worships God with gratitude and thanksgiving by naming the altar "The LORD […]

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Getting Out of Bondage

In Exodus 13:17-14:31, we learn how the Lord leads His people out of Egypt in an absolutely unpredictable way. They are led to the Red Sea, and find themselves sandwiched between the huge body of water and Pharaoh's merciless army that is in hot pursuit of them. Overwhelmed by the flood of fears, God's people […]

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