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Being Effective & Fruitful

Last week we looked at the right questions to ask - this Sunday, we look at the right answers to seek out. In our efforts to seek out success, we consult all manner of things: books, articles, seminars, mentoring, tuition, training, and the list goes on. There is no shortage of 'answers' in the world […]

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Love the Unborn

The Bible says every unborn child is knitted together fearfully and wonderfully in the mother’s womb. They are unseen, unheard and sometimes unwanted. How can we treat them not as problems to be solved but babies to be loved? Come find out this Sunday!

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The Omnipresence of God

It has been said that “A man’s character will necessarily be determined by the character of the god whom he worships.” That means that a person’s entire life is affected by whom they worship. Therefore, in order to rightly worship the God of the Bible, we must have a right understanding of his attributes. Join […]

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The Goodness of God

We start a 2-part series starting this Sunday called 'Knowing God' with a message entitled 'The Goodness of God'. Christians know that God is good. But we struggle with trusting God because we think His goodness is too small and too weak. This sermon will help us appreciate that the goodness of our infinite God […]

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The Pursuit of Happiness

Everybody wants to be happy, but what we are depending on to give us happiness makes all the difference. Come! Bring someone along with you and find out what the bible has to say about the pursuit of happiness this Sunday!This sermon will be preached by a guest speaker: Max Jeganathan. He is the RZIM […]

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How can I overcome my sexual struggles?

How can I overcome my sexual struggles? In an increasingly sexualised world, many people find themselves confused on matters of sexuality. Oftentimes, they find themselves gravitating towards certain sexual practices they know they should have avoided. In 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, Paul addresses this issue of ongoing sexual immorality in the church of Corinth. Inspired by […]

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What if I am single all my life?

What if I am single all my life?For many in our world today, this question is profoundly disturbing. The mere thought of not having a romantic partner for life grieves many hopeful heartsWhat does God's word have to say about singleness? Is earthly marriage necessary or even desirable for all? Does singleness mean a lifetime […]

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