
Prayer Ignite!

"A triune God would call is to converse with him...because he wants to share the joy he has. Prayer is our way of entering into the happiness of God himself"Timothy Keller Let's come together in humble devotion and seek the hand of God for the salvation of our loved ones and friends at Prayer Ignite!

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Behold! – Seeing As God Sees

We are starting a new 2-part sermon series by Pastor Guoliang entitled 'Behold - Seeing as God Sees'. Most of us have a tendency to look at people and things through our own narrow, self-focused perspectives. This series leads us to a deeper appreciation of how we should see spiritual reality through God's gospel lenses, […]

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Celebration of Hope

Leading up to the Celebration of Hope event in May, this 2-part sermon series aims to help us remember the hope we have as Christians. When things do not work out the way we expect, we often feel frustrated. We find that our joy is short-lived and our relationships are filled with conflicts. But for […]

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The Gift of Peace

This is a stand-alone sermon that will be brought to us by Pastor Thomas.Someone once said that "Peace is the desire of every beating heart". You will find that statement most true when peace evades your grasp. In such circumstances, we wish for peace to be restored. Yet the Bible promises a different kind of […]

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Prayer Ignite!

"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."Matthew 9:37-38 Let's pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest and seek His hand for the salvation of our loved ones and friends at Prayer Ignite!

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Used for Cosmic Glory

2 months, 3 preachers, and 10 chapters. We’ve come to the last sermon of season 1 of the Exodus series! In Exodus 7:8-10:29, the fight finally comes to Pharaoh. The plagues are unleashed and the answer to the Cry of Freedom is at hand. Witness as God unveils Himself as supreme.

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Christian Education – Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God

Happening on four Wednesday evenings, this Christian Education course will serve to provide biblical perspective on how God's sovereignty over salvation should impact and inform the way you evangelise. All participants would receive a copy of J.I. Packer's 'Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God'. If you yearn to evangelise, sign up and be equipped! Registration […]

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