
The Turning Point

In Exodus 18, we see Moses reuniting with his family and Jethro, his father-in-law.What seemed to be a simple family reunion proved to be a major turning point in the book of Exodus, as Moses was led to reorganise the Israelites in their journey ahead. Their amazing journey of faith as one people is what […]

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Prayer Ignite!

Jesus says in John 4:35 "...I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for the harvest." Come, let us gather in humble devotion and plead with God for the salvation of our loved ones and friends at Prayer Ignite!

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The Banner for the Fight

In Exodus 17:8-16, we see a surprise attack launched by the Amalekites against the Israelites at Rephidim. For the first time in Israel's history, they are called to put up a fight.At the end of the arduous battle, Israel prevails. In response, Moses worships God with gratitude and thanksgiving by naming the altar "The LORD […]

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Prayer Ignite!

God, take out their flesh the heart of stone and give them a new heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 11:19)Let's come together in humble devotion and plead with God for the salvation of our loved ones and friends at Prayer Ignite!

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Let The Real Man Arise!

God assigned specific roles and responsibilities to both sexes as part of His perfect design. In this seminar, you will learn the unique calling for men so that we may rise to the challenge. Participants will enjoy fellowship over dinner, worship and small group discussion. All men (aged 13 and above) are welcomed! To register […]

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