
Sermon Series: Who We Are, The Church's Building Blocks From Ephesians

Where is your church?” “How big is your church?” “What denomination is your church?” These are the kinds of questions people ask, when talking about churches. But what is the church? Join us as Pastor Johanan walks us through Ephesians 1 for the next following Sundays, to gain a conviction of what it means to be the Church of Jesus Christ. 

16, 23, 30 March & 6 April, 10:00am at Dorset and via live stream on Facebook.

Church Camp 2025

Church camp 2025 is from 19th to 22nd June. This year’s camp theme is Camp Called! Do not miss this opportunity to come together as a church family to hear God’s word and fellowship with one another. Register here!

Annual General Meeting

Agape’s Annual General Meeting for this year will be held on 18th May 2025. This is an important event for all members of Agape so please do take note of the date. If you are a member of Agape and have changed your email address or home address (for those without email) over the past year, please write to the church to update your address. Thank you.

City Prayer Walk

We have a wonderful opportunity to unite in faith and prayer for Singapore. 

Join us on March 31 (Monday), for a City Prayer Walk—a time to walk, observe, and pray for God’s peace and flourishing in our city.

📍 Start Point: Dhoby Ghaut MRT

📍 End Point: Tanjong Pagar Market & Food Centre

For this prayerwalk, 2 or 3 cells (along with their kids) are grouped together to participate at different times. 

If you are not part of any cell, please contact Sok Hwee for more information. 

See you there! 


Easter Weekend

This Easter, we’ll journey together from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday, celebrating the life-changing power of His resurrection.

Let’s be intentional—invite someone to experience the profound hope and salvation found in Christ. Bring them to our Good Friday in Homes gatherings or Easter Sunday Service.

Good news! Bring a friend on Easter Sunday, and you’ll both enjoy a free lunch. May this Easter be meaningful for all of us!

Timor-Leste Mission Trip 2025

We are excited to announce our 21st year of partnership with Central Shallom School in Dili,  Timor-Leste! This year, from July 20th to July 26th, we have a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children, from kindergarten to high school. Click below to find out more and register!

Join Us for A New Bible Reading Plan!


Agape has a new bible reading plan for 2025! Join the Agape family in reading the word together daily. Children can join in too!

You would have received a physical copy of our bible reading plan for 2025 as you came into the hall today. If you did not receive one, you can take a copy from the back of the hall.

If you would prefer to use a digital copy, you can download it from our website and leave the physical copy behind on your seats. As a church, let’s grow together in deepening our theological depth this coming year!



Child Minding Volunteers Needed

Agape’s new Child Minding Ministry is looking for volunteers to help mind children from 18 months to 4 years old.

This is so that the little ones can be taken care of, while their parents can properly receive the preached word and be blessed. If you’d like to get involved, please sign up using the link below!

Agape Legacy Podcast


This podcast features none other than our founding pastor, Guna Raman, as he shares about the legacy of Agape Baptist Church. The first three episodes of the Agape Legacy Podcast are now available for listening! Available on Spotify, Apple Podcast and Google Podcasts. We hope that you will be blessed by this insightful series!