Prayer of Confession – 21 July 2024

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that relationships are sacred before You, reflecting Your love and faithfulness. We confess that we often forget the holiness You intend for all our connections, whether in marriage, friendships, or community.

Lord, we admit that in our interactions, we sometimes stray from Your guidance, seeking our desires over Your will. Forgive us for not honoring the sacredness You intend for all relationships, be they romantic or platonic.

Help us, O God, to seek Your wisdom in our lives. May we follow the direction given in Scripture, finding hope and purity as we prepare our hearts for whatever You have in store for us.

Lord, remind us of Your love once again. Help us find refuge in the shadow of Your wings. Help us to look to Your Son and abide in His love. So that we can love those around us well.

 In Jesus name. Amen.