Father, Your kingdom is already here! It has already come! Yet we have forgotten and neglected it. Forgive us. We often do not live as citizens and ambassadors of Your kingdom.
Instead, we have continued to live for the kingdom of this world: the kingdom of self. A kingdom built on idolatry. On a rejection of God. And on the love of money.
We have bought into the lie, that our faith is a private affair. Yet in our devotion to You. Our righteousness. Our pursuit of justice. Our love for others. We reflect Your kingdom.
So forgive us for ‘individualising’ your gospel. Forgive us for thinking that salvation only concerns me. Forgive us for minimising Your reign and rule. Forgive us for neglecting our allegiance to You.
Your Kingdom is already here! Help us to live for it. To work in it. And to proclaim it through our lives. We ask all this in Jesus’ name, amen.