Prayer of Confession – 2 Apr 2023


You are the God of all grace. Your boundless kindness and mercy for us are unmerited. We are eternally grateful that we are covered by the righteousness of Your Son, not by our filthy rags.

We confess that we often judge people based on abilities, efforts, race, or social standing. We forget that the values of Your Kingdom are opposed to the values of the world. We forget that those considered as undeserving by man-made criteria are all equal in Your eyes. 

Forgive our foolish attempts to earn our own salvation. Forgive us for using the many gifts You have given us to look down on, rather than to serve others. Forgive us for grumbling against Your radical generosity.

We are humbled that You would continue to draw sinners to You even at the 11th hour. We are amazed that You would use your awesome power not to destroy but to save. Let our hearts be changed by Your costly grace. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.