Prayer of Confession – 26th Sep 2021

Father, it is unbelievable that You would set us free from sin and death. It is even more astounding that You would adopt Your enemies into Your Kingdom as Your children and as co-heirs with Jesus.

We confess that sometimes we don’t treasure this blood bought intimate relationship with You. Instead of running to You we often run away from You. We long for emotional intimacy but end up destroying relationships.

Father, forgive us for putting on a facade rather than being vulnerable with one another. Forgive us for relying not on the righteousness of Your Son but our self-generated righteousness. Forgive us for hanging on to filthy rags instead of the perfect righteousness of Jesus.

By the power of the Gospel, restore our relationship with you and help our earthly relationships flourish for Your glory. In the most precious name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.