Prayer of Confession – 2 Jun 2024

Father in Heaven, we come before Your throne of grace. We confess how easily we try to justify our sin with our own righteousness.

Thinking we can meet Your Holy standards with our good deeds. Thinking that somehow You will forgive and love us because of our doings. We forget that it is not by any of our works but it is a blood-bought privilege.

It is through the obedience of Christ that we are made whole. It is through Jesus that we are accepted and renewed to walk uprightly in this life.

So Lord, forgive us. Forgive us for holding on to our sin-stained righteousness rather than clinging on to what Christ has done for us.

Holy Spirit, help us to keep our eyes on Christ. For only in Christ are we able to flourish for the glory of our triune God! We pray all this in Jesus’ name, amen.